GDPDR - module
Data privacy enhancements with ITIS Odoo GDPR/DSGVO
Update your process in regards to data privacy in Odoo with the IT IS Odoo GDPR / DSGVO in regards to communication channels and storage of data.
Enhancement of the contact form for selection of the communication channel, the customer wants to be contacted by as well as the opportunity to ask for stored data by the customer.
Your customer has the choice, in which way he wants to be contacted. He also hast the possibility to raise an "Information Request" to get information which data is stored in your system related to him.
You can easily identify stored data related to a email address. Therefore you can select the according models in odoo and receive the according revords.
data privacy, fast and easy!
Search contact
Search for the stored customer data by adding the email address in the search form.
GDPDR in Odoo
By searching for the according email address, Odoo will list all dara records related to that customer which can be selected there too.
The found records can be used as an information for your customer who was asking raising the "Information Request" in the contact form or just wants to know which data is stored in your databse.
Communication channel
On the contact form you can see, which communication channel was selected by the customer to be contacted by. There are options available like letter, email of phone.