IT IS Odoo Alfresco
Document management easily with IT IS Odoo Alfresco

Alfresco provides a modern software for document management which gains more and more popularity. Especially public organizations often use it, thus it is open source based. Our module integrates Alfresco in Odoo for managing your business-critical documents, appointments and tasks smart and easily. Simplify the handling and structure your tools and document management directly from Odoo. Available for Odoo 8, 9 and 10.
secure & structured storage system
reduction of data volume
powerfull search functions for document content
store documents directly from Odoo
versioning of documents
auto-creation of sites according your needs
dynamic settings for folder structure according your needs
auto-archive function by time and document-type
task management with appointment sync
calender synchronization Alfresco - Odoo
calendar entries or project tasks based on Alfresco workflow-tasks
synchronization of users, sites and groups
see site sturcture, folders and documents in Odoo
connect Alfresco document with purchase orders
modular installation according your needs
Uploads documents from Odoo
With the installation of this module the print option of the menu bar gives you an additional option for uploading documents to your Alfresco library. This gives you the possibility to upload directly from Odoo easily.
The upload-wizard gives you the opportunity to add additional information for your document. You can enter a title and a description for your document which will be transferred to Alfresco. These values are shown in the document properties.
After uploading a document-link is available in Odoo. By click on this link you are redirected to the according document.
The upload can be done automatically by configuring it, so the user has not to do it manually and it can't be forget. For example, when you post the invoice, the invoice document is automatically uploaded to Alfresco.
Alfresco document library
In Alfresco you will find your document according to your entries and configuration for site and folder-structure and the report-configuration. The sites in Alfresco are generated automatically based on your settings. In Alfresco you have the full functionality regarding search and management of your documents.
Manage document versions
If you upload a new version of an existing document you have the possibility to enter a comment regarding your changes in the upload-wizard.
Display versions in Alfresco
By clicking on the document link in Odoo you are redirected to the latest version of that document in Alfresco. You can see the version of the document next to its name - for example 2.0.
Connect documents to purchase orders
You have got the possibility to assign documents from alfresco to the purchase order. This way you can connect a scanned vendor's invoice So. For example, you can link a scanned supplier invoice to the purchase order.
Document properties in Alfresco
The specified values from the upload wizard of Odoo, are displayed at the properties in Alfresco.
Overview of the versions
Of course you can see the history of the document versions. You can see who made changes and at which time. You can also have a look at the old versions.
Task management
With IT IS Odoo Alfresco you can manage your tasks and synchronize them with your calender in Alfresco. Tasks from Odoo are sent to Alfresco and vice versa. You can also synchronize Alfresco workflow tasks.
Alfresco workflow tasks
You can synchronize workflow tasks from Alfresco as calender entries and as project tasks to Odoo. This can be done manually or automatically.
Setup of IT IS odoo Alfresco
At connecting and configuring the module respectively Odoo and Alfresco a setup wizard will help you. All relevant data is asked and you can easily fill them in.
Configuration and auto archieving
The module offers a lot of possibilities for configuration for creating sites and folders according your needs. The configuration is based on the report model.
With the auto archieve function documents are stored automatically in a special archive after a defined time. The settings can be set on time and document type individually.