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What are the Top-3 Enterprise 11 Killer Feature?

am 29.05.18, 20:57 4.774 Ansichten

Dear Partners,

in your experience in dealing with Community and Enterprise 11 Ed., what are the top-3 killer technical features in Enterprise that the Community edition doesn't have?

The reason I ask is because we are trying to collect our facts about the merits of proposing Community vs. Enterprise.

Thanks for your time!

Ashant Chalasani


Simplify-ERP™ – Multichannel E-Business – Industriestrasse 24b, DE–70565 Stuttgart

Büro: +49–711–7947–2394 | Web: https://www.simplify-erp.com

Umsatzsteuer Ident Nr.: DE215101721, Amtsgericht Stuttgart: HRB 22736, Fa. Wapsol GmbH, Geschäftsführer Ashant Chalasani

  • Flag

An 27.07.18, 16:25

We use Timesheets module a lot.

I hear Equitania has quite a mature module for timesheet management (Zeiterfassung).

We found odoo S. A.'s Awesome Timesheets iOS and Android apps to be useful from time-to-time.

I hear some partners are working on a PWA (Progressive Web-App) with local (device) storage, for time-tracking. Maybe they can be persuaded to contribute code, and someone could take it's maintenance/evolution up.

Ihre Antwort

An 27.07.18, 15:27

In my view, th main argument for Enterprise is:

1. Subscriptions (for customer contracts and renewals)

2. Helpdesk

3. Accounting (enhanced reports)

An maybe the manufacturing merrits

Ihre Antwort

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Fragestellung: 29.05.18, 20:57
Gesehen: 4774 -mal
Zuletzt aktualisiert: 27.07.18, 16:25


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