
This community is for professionals and enthusiasts of our products and services. Share and discuss the best content and new marketing ideas, build your professional profile and become a better marketer together.


The benefits of odoo-partner.org

Von am 15.03.18, 13:02 3.448 Ansichten

Knowledge: Share what is useful for us as Odoo pros in serving our customers.

Insight: Know in advance what is happening and where to get the latest news about our work and the work of associates.

Best practices: Many have hit the wall because of not knowing the best way to do things. Together, we can avoid these mistakes.

Discussion: As the time moves on, there might be needs for controversial discussion. A forum as well as events can serve for this.

Common voice: Let's show Odoo, what its partners like about it, but also tell Odoo, where there are deficits in the partner program as well as in the company and product development.

Other: You can make suggestions what we shall do. Lets vote and do it, when the majority wants it.  

What's the cost? No charges raised for taking part at the alliance and at the survey.

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Über diese Community

Diese Community ist für Profis und begeisterte Benutzer unserer Produkte und Dienstleistungen. Teilen und diskutieren Sie die besten Inhalte und neue Marketing-Ideen, stärken Sie Ihr berufliches Profil und werden Sie gemeinsam bessere Vermarkter. Leitfaden

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1 Abonnent(en)


Fragestellung: 15.03.18, 13:02
Gesehen: 3448 -mal
Zuletzt aktualisiert: 02.08.18, 07:00


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             ... this doesn't work

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Odoo S.A. plays...

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             ... fair, good to know

             ... whatever, I just want to vent


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             - don't try

             - odoo modules

             - oca

             - other modules

             - odoo alternatives


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